Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Identity Crisis

I receive this devotion via the In Touch Magazine & thought I should share...
Please take the moment to read this devotional here at this link:

Identity Crisis
Today's passage calls believers "a chosen race," "a royal priesthood," and "God's own possession." And our purpose is to "proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light."

So, take this to heart & memory, don't go by your feelings all of the time. Satan will use them against us. Try your best to see yourself as God see's you! Isn't it wonderful to know that we are His children! Trust & Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you & change your perception of yourself!

God Bless, HL

Due to privacy and copyright issues I cannot publish the devotional ... therefore see the link in the second line or you can find through the devotional archives link and look up date of August 3, 2007. I hope you enjoyed.

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