Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Children Need To Know...

Today's Motivational moment for Moms is: "Never forget to tell your children you’re proud of them. Don’t assume that they already know how you feel."

I wanted to take the moment to document this tip, as there are too many children in the world today that do not feel they've made their parents happy enough, proud, joyful... these children have no self-esteem. We all need to be reminded from time to time --- here's my little reminder.

Today I'm proud of my children because:
1) My oldest is volunteering at VBS to help out the 2-3 year olds teacher!
2) My youngest is doing his best to learn the VBS cheer!
3) We all had a great time bowling today! My youngest took the time to try to learn some more about bowling straight, and my oldest continued to excel in bowling (and wanting to beat Dad).

There are so many reason's I am proud of my children! I can't just sit and hope that they know that, I have to take the time to tell them. Thank you for sharing this Motivation moment to remind us all!


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